Monday, March 22, 2010

Fear Factor

Ok for my fear I am going to divulge one of my current fears and I am looking for the reaction of the class. I am going to reveal some very stressful experiences that I am facing at this time.

I was recently exposed to the HIV virus a number of times by a man that I had dated for several months. He failed to inform me that he was diagnosed with full blown AIDS in 2004. Just so you all know I have tested negative at 3 months but will continue to be tested until one year in November. He actually told me that he was clean in which I had no reason not to trust him at the time. I now realize that I should have made him prove what he was saying. This has done a number on my trust.

I am fearful of the reaction of people and how they will perceive me after hearing the information. My biggest fear is that many will either loose respect for me all together or that they will think very poorly of me as a person.

Although my hope is that since you all are well educated you will not have a predisposed notion of me in a negative way.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Onions in Review

What a crazy class! First part was normal talking about projects (onions), the second part was crazy, all the animals within.

Not Exactly What You Think

This may not be what it seems to be if it seems to be anything..

My baby niece